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Aug 26, 2015

Our D23 Expo 2015 Recap, Part 2!! This one is chock full of all the interviews we teased in Part 1. While wandering around the Expo, we happened upon some amazing discussions with amazing people, and this episode is all about sharing those moments with you.

  1. Ashley Eckstein (Ahsoka Tano on STAR WARS: REBELS)
    • All about...

Aug 20, 2015

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls - our D23 Expo 2015 Recap!! SUPERSIZE, Part 1. You’ve been waiting patiently…and it’s here! Just like Star Wars Celebration, we gathered together a group of Skywalkers on Sunday, right after the close of the Expo for an immediate debriefing of the weekend. Randy Crane from

Aug 13, 2015

Roads. Where we’re going, we don’t need roads...

We need lightsabers!!

In Episode 88 (which totally has me thinking Back To The Future, if you can’t tell from listening to the first 20 seconds) we talk with Matt Cox - the first and only adult to participate in the Jedi Training Academy at Disneyland. He may be...

Aug 6, 2015

Jeffrey Epstein, D23 Expo Spokesperson, joins us to reveal NEW exciting Star Wars and Lucasfilm-related panels and happenings at the D23 Expo. He confirms that the maker himself, George Lucas, will be in attendance, and whets our appetites for the Disney Archives Exhibit. We can’t wait!! (13:12)

Do you remember your...

Aug 4, 2015

beep! beep! It’s Herbie, THE LOVE BUG!

Let’s step back in time to 1968 and reminisce about the little car that could. Richard and Sarah of Skywalking Through Neverland are joined again by our special guest host - voice of Grand Moff Tarkin, Sleepy in Disney’s 7D, and Lord Henry Mystic himself - Stephen Stanton!...