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Dec 23, 2019

It’s here! Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Roundtable recorded after the first screening of the legendary TCL Chinese Theater IMAX with! This time around the Line raised over $12,000 for Starlight Children’s Foundation!! In our roundtable we give SPOILER-FILLED initial reactions and breakdowns....

Dec 18, 2019

Gear up for The Rise of Skywalker with an in-depth discussion with the cast and crew at the Rise of Skywalker Global Press Conference! Held on December 4th in Pasadena, Richard and I share our experience not only of the Press Conference, but photo ops, merchandise display and a special Roundtable with producer Michelle...

Dec 12, 2019

Rise of the Resistance opened at Galaxy’s Edge in Walt Disney World. James Burns (JediNews) and Dave Parfitt (Adventures By Daddy) were lucky enough to attend the special Media Event surrounding the opening, and give us their full spoiler-free review. We also learn more about the Star Wars Hotel (Galactic Starcruiser)...

Dec 6, 2019

What are your favorite Star Wars Memories? Craig Miller has an entire book dedicated to his many Star Wars memories working at Lucasfilm from 1976 through the early 1980’s. Craig’s book, Star Wars Memories: My Time in the Death Star Trenches, is available now! We talk about the book and Craig teases us with a few...

Nov 29, 2019

Frozen II is here, and we are here to talk about it!! Bryn McKinnon (A Window to the Magic) joins us in a discussion of story, songs and Rock Monsters! It was one of those great conversations where looked at all sides and opened each others’ minds. Yes, we do talk spoilers, so make sure you’ve seen the film before...